
We interview all our Maternity nurses in person, check their references, qualifications and ask them to provide an enhanced Criminal Records Bureau Enhanced Disclosure (CRB) and to keep their pediatric first aid up-to-date. After every booking we reference check the nurse so that all her references are current.

Knightsbridge Nannies maternity desk is always on hand to help and advise.

A Brief outline of duties of Maternity Nurses

Mother and baby can be discharged from hospital any time ranging from 6 hours post birth up to 24 hours (normal delivery) and up to 3 nights in hospital for a Cesarean section. When both mother and baby are home the Maternity Nurse takes charge of the baby/babies for 6 days at a time with 24 hours free every 7th day. For approximately 2 weeks after the confinement a Community Midwife from the Local Health Authority will visit within 24 hours. Whether you have your baby privately or in an NHS hospital the Community Midwife will be at your disposal.


It is usual to share a room/nursery with the baby. Occasionally a bedroom and bathroom are made available. Food should be provided for a Maternity Nurse. The Maternity Nurse will be expected to cook her own meals and for the mother where necessary.

Duties: Breast-Fed Babies

The Maternity Nurse is there to observe the mother when feeding the baby day and night; to advise where necessary and to help both mother and baby into a good routine and sleep pattern. She will also take the baby after feeds and re-settle.

Duties: Bottle-Fed Babies

The Maternity Nurse will be responsible for the preparation of milk feeds, sterilising feeding equipment, feeding day and night, and establishing a good sleeping pattern. She will also be there to help and advise the mother in looking after the child.

Nursery Duties

This covers everything that is connected with the baby – i.e. washing and ironing the baby’s clothes and sheets for the crib and pram. Bathing the baby, changing nappies and sterilising bottles. Also the nurse will keep the Nursery / baby’s bathroom and her own accommodation where applicable clean and tidy at all times.

Once the Maternity Nurse has completed all of her duties, while the baby is sleeping she should catch up on her own sleep and rest WITHIN earshot of the baby. She should have 24 hours with no duties whatsoever in each 7 day week.


Some Maternity Nurses always wear a uniform and some do not. If one is required and the Nurse does not possess one the parents should provide one.


If at any time the baby becomes ill, or any other emergency occurs involving the baby the Nurse must always inform the pediatrician/doctor. If the parents are away relevant telephone numbers must always be kept in the Nursery by the telephone.

We advise our Maternity nurses to take out insurance and we recommend Morton Michel.

Our maternity nurses are encouraged by Knightsbridge Nannies to update their knowledge of both post-natal care and to be aware of all the new equipment on the market.